universal plane

英 [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl pleɪn] 美 [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsl pleɪn]

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  1. Making use of the polar coordinates and vector-algebra carried out the universal formula of the magnetic induction intensity at the focus of the polar coordinates plane curve electric current.
  2. Applying the definite method and indefinite method, the universal development characteristics of side fractural structure plane are analyzed according to development background, geological characteristics and other engineering characteristics.
  3. As a universal software, AutoCAD has a powerful function in drawing and edit in plane as well as in three-dimensions.
  4. The implementation of the method has a universal reference value for the measurement and control within the same plane position.
  5. The universal expresses of irradiance intensity distribution on the hologram and the reconstructed real image plane are derived from a general model of in-line holography of particle fields in this paper.
  6. In this paper, the universal finite element analysis software ANSYS is used to establish a spatial solid finite element model for the irregular shape PC box girders and the structural behavior of the girders is comparatively studied in accordance with the calculation results of the plane beam element.
  7. In the present paper, with the aid of universal material test machine and split Hopkinson press bar, a relative simple testing method has been established for the testing of dynamic plane strain fracture toughness in concrete.
  8. In this article a novel universal method for solving the inverse problem and hybrid problem of types A, C and D is proposed, a new image plane ξ-η being introduced.
  9. Based on the universal k-ε turbulent model, we trace free surface with the volume of fluid ( VOF) method for taking the character of distinct surface elevation, and establish a two-dimensional model of vertical plane turbulent jet discharged from bottom of shallow water.
  10. The universal formulae for the setting-out computation of plane route
  11. Based on the Hill's condition and field fluctuation approach, a set of universal differential equations are derived for the shift property of the effective compliances of planar composites in plane stress state. The derived equations are independent of the distribution and the shape of the microstructures.
  12. Road on-site Alignment and Measuring Method The universal formulae for the setting-out computation of plane route
  13. The design is universal, which can be used to guide the BIT design of other computer systems on bomb or on plane.